Gender-based Violence

Tribute to Mr Patrick  Molefe Shai

Tribute to Mr Patrick Molefe Shai

Brothers for Life joins millions of South Africans in mourning the passing of community activist and veteran actor Mr Patrick Molefe Shai. His involvement with the  Brothers for Life campaign from inception thirteen years ago has touched and mobilised millions of men and boys to do the right thing and toward ending gender based violence. 

The dual GBVF and COVID-19 pandemics jeopardize women and children’s safety.

The dual GBVF and COVID-19 pandemics jeopardize women and children’s safety.

The dual GBVF and COVID-19 pandemics jeopardize women and children’s safety. We have celebrated this Women’s Month in the peak of COVID-19’s parallel pandemic whose  effects cut across every aspect of society. Women, children, persons with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans-sexual, queer, intersex, a-sexual+) and other vulnerable persons are not spared but are more