
CCI develops and implements high profile HIV prevention, care and support and treatment campaigns with clear objectives and outcomes aimed at promoting or reinforcing positive behaviours that address the behaviours attitudes, social norms and values.

Our campaigns combine mass media and interpersonal communication approaches. The campaigns are identified through the creation of a powerful brand that is promoted as part of the mass media interventions that enables the audience to position the campaign within their minds as a credible source of information.

The mass media (radio, television, print, outdoor media and social media) provides an opportunity for CCI to promote messages on a national scale through free to air channels.

The interpersonal communication activities include undertaking community events, working with peer educators, community workers and in-clinic facilitators who are provided with tools to help them facilitate interpersonal dialogues with people where they congregate or through door-to-door activities.


Brothers for life

Launched in 2009, Brothers for Life is a social movement of men that promotes positive male norms and encourages the uptake of health services. Through the use of multi media platforms and community events the campaign mobilises men to actively engage in activities to address Gender-Based Violence and HIV prevention in their communities. Campaign resources can be found here (Downloads). For more info click CLICK HERE



Zazi has been developed under the leadership of the Department of Women, Children and People with disabilities with the support of the USAID/JHU HIV Communication Programme and PEPFAR. The campaign is a partnership between the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC), the SANAC Women’s Sector, the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities, the Department of Health, the Department of Social Development. For more info CLICK HERE

We Beat TB logo

We beat TB

‘We Beat TB’ is a national campaign supportec by USAID TB CARE II South Africa Project. It aims to improve health-seeking behaviour among South African communities by increasing knowledge of TB and TB/HIV prevention and encouraging early presentation for diagnosis and treatment, and treatment adherence.
The campaign impacts on individuals and communiities by bulding partnershps to raise awareness and create demand for TB serviceses. The campaign uses mass media, interpersonal community and community mobilisation communication for participatory development approach, developed by the Centre for Communication Impact (CCI), that draws on multiple levels of interventions to impact on the individual and the community by building partnerships to raise awareness and create demand for TB services. The strategy incorporates various types of communication programming, including mass media, interpersonal communication, community mobilization, and advocacy.