Links to other services

The Woza Asibonisane! partners map the available support networks and services in the communities in which they work. This includes direct service providers who provide:

LifeLine: 0861 322 322
FAMSA: 011 975 7106

GBV Command Centre: 0800 428 428

Send a ‘Please call me’: 0606 332 211

Call: 082 808 0816


011 358 5300

Department of Social Development

0800 12 13 14

SMS 32312

FHI 360: 012 762 4000
PACT: 012 754 1440
HIVSA: 011 494 1900
Mother-to-mothers: 021 466 9160
NACOSA: 021 552 0804

(Centralised Chronic Medication Dispensing and Distribution)

EC, FS, GP & NW:

Toll-free: 080 0214761

Send a ‘Please call me’: 30948

LP, MP & NC:

Toll-free: 080 151161176

Send a ‘Please call me’: 060 529 8793

WhatsApp Number: 082 656 5254


Toll-free: 080 0212350

Send a ‘Please call me’: 060 529 8793

WhatsApp Number: 082 656 5254 WhatsApp “Hi” to 078 529 0646

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